ROSS Communications builds productive relationships with our clients, tailors our services to meet their specific needs and forges partnerships that consistently deliver.

Strategic Counsel

We help our clients assess risks. We identify opportunities. And we provide trusted advice around the clock. We appreciate the challenges and opportunities our clients face in a high-stakes, highly competitive marketplace. Whether our client is a Fortune 50 corporation or a non-profit association, our team of experts is well equipped to assess, advise and act upon the unique needs of each of our clients.

Since 1993, ROSS has worked with lawsuit reform groups on multi-faceted advocacy campaigns supporting civil justice reform in Texas. Our efforts helped produce comprehensive legislative reform of the state’s civil litigation laws, an enhanced economic climate in Texas, and a more fair and balanced civil justice system.

Issue Management

When clients are facing increased regulation or making a compelling case for favorable legislative or executive action, ROSS leverages our team’s extensive political and public policy experience to build issue campaigns that resonate with policy makers and other stakeholders.

Working closely with our clients, we identify potential allies, design messaging strategies that successfully impact public opinion and build strong ally networks that help advance your goals.

Our team provides a deep understanding of the Texas political landscape and the ability to implement localized tools that are paramount to success, whether your strategy is state-based or national in scope but in need of a Texas flavor.


  • Corporate campaigns
  • Legislative issue campaigns
  • Coalition management
ROSS managed a major statewide coalition dedicated to reforming the state’s workers’ compensation system. Leveraging the relationships of coalition members, we took the issue to the local level, ensuring legislators and opinion leaders were hearing firsthand about the negative impact that the system at the time was having on injured workers, Texas jobs and the state’s business climate. The coalition succeeded in passing landmark legislative reforms.

Crisis Communications Management

ROSS delivers seasoned media and communications professionals who have worked on the frontline of crisis communications and issue management. Even before a crisis hits, our team is ready to mobilize and respond with a compelling, effective crisis management program that sets the record straight, defends your credibility and brand, and helps bring your organization back to its core focus.

By helping our clients anticipate and prepare for potential crisis, we show how offense can be a client’s best defense. We advise our clients on anticipating and responding to issues that may develop in their industry and field, ensuring they are armed with the tools, messages and skills to manage a crisis when it arises.


  • War room readiness
  • Crisis plan development
  • Media monitoring
  • Public opinion monitoring

Coalition Building, Grassroots Development & Mobilization

In the face of significant partisan or policy divides preventing the forward motion of our clients’ objectives, ROSS helps build and manage coalitions designed to overcome such obstacles.

A message delivered by a chorus of united voices is compelling, and ROSS helps identify common goals among otherwise disparate groups, managing coalitions and grassroots campaigns that deliver credible, effective third-party advocacy.

ROSS provides an experienced, steady hand sensitive enough to balance diverse stakeholder interests.


  • Grassroots development and mobilization
  • Coalition management
  • Social media engagement

Qualitative & Quantitative Research

Effective public affairs campaigns are built on a solid foundation—having the right message and the right messenger.

The ROSS team understands the role qualitative and quantitative research can play in crafting messages and identifying messengers that reach, motivate and drive audiences to action.

Whether it’s a public opinion survey to assess the political environment or issue research to underscore the value of a client’s proposal, ROSS delivers the right tools for the job.


  • Message development
  • Public opinion monitoring
  • Public opinion polling
  • Internet surveys
  • Focus groups
  • Impact studies
  • Issue research

Media Outreach & Message Delivery

We appreciate the media’s need for timely, relevant, and accurate information, and that’s what we provide. At ROSS Communications, we help shape credible messages for our clients, delivering news the media can and does use.

We also know that there are times when our clients should be their own messengers, and our media training services are instrumental in equipping our clients with the tools and skills they need to deliver effective messages to the media and public.


  • Media training
  • Media monitoring
  • Digital communications strategies
  • Social media strategy and monitoring
  • Media event planning
Empower Texas Schools on Facebook was just one of the digital tools ROSS leveraged to engage a grassroots network supporting the Technology Education Coalition’s initiative. Our online efforts were a success. Texans responded to the call, and the coalition’s legislation passed.

Internal & External Communications

What clients say to their internal audience—their employees and their partners—frequently determines the failure or success of key public affairs initiatives.

We are adept at developing internal communications strategies that build support for a client’s goals from the inside.

External stakeholders and advocacy groups also play a pivotal role in shaping public policy, and their role must be coordinated carefully. That is why ROSS also works with our clients to ensure we engage, inform, motivate and mobilize the right external audiences who can help further our clients’ objectives.


  • Newsletter and employee communications
  • Stakeholder campaigns
  • Intranet web content

Creative Services

Content is king, but presentation matters. To maximize content effectiveness, ROSS Communications delivers innovative graphic design for digital, print or broadcast tools.

Whether it’s an internal or external website, a brochure, poster, digital ad, or other collateral material, we work in partnership with some of the best creative minds and designers to integrate transformational creative services aimed at pushing your campaign or objective to a higher level. Effective use of creative services can be a game changer in the heat of a public affairs battle.


  • Digital content and graphic design
  • Innovative promotional and issue materials in electronic, print or broadcast format
  • Videos
Cutting-edge collateral material and graphic design services were part of our work in support of legislation designed to give educators access to more digital classroom tools. Our “It’s About Kids. It’s About Time.” slogan appeared on eye-catching print and electronic flyers, one-pagers, legislator and media information packets, news conference signage and the campaign’s Facebook page. The campaign was highly successful. The legislation passed, and the Council of State Governments included the measure in its volume of suggested state legislation.